Saturday, 4 August 2007

Teachers - Are They Really This Stupid?

Teachers have called for websites such as YouTube to be shut down as part of efforts to prevent pupils and staff being bullied. Delegates at the conference of the Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) said bullying can continue outside school and work hours.

They said bullies can send abusive text messages or e-mails to victims.

A spokesman for the website YouTube said the vast majority of people used the site responsibly.

At the PAT annual conference in Harrogate, delegates heard that bullies have posted mobile phone videos on websites, showing teachers as well as pupils being attacked or humiliated.


Silicon Valley Start Ups

According to the Wall Street Journal, half of the 20 most inventive towns in the US are in Silicon Valley.

Nowadays the place is not just about silicon chip makers; all technology is here.

It is a string of satellite towns full of clever people, incredibly successful tech companies, and hopefuls looking to make the big time.

This place was the centre of the dotcom bubble of the mid 90s, when investors were pouring money into anything with a dot in the title. Of course it was also the hardest hit when the bubble burst. For every surviving big player, hundreds went under.

Now the optimism is back, along with the money.

Read more at BBC online.

Zazz Rules

I love Zazz. They sell some great stuff at amazing prices. I buy a lot of gear from them for my web site design company and it always turns up and works too.


I love Zazz. I've said it before and I'll say it again. They sell some great stuff at amazing prices. I buy a lot of 'stuff' for my web site design company through them and it always turns up and works.